Thursday, 24 September 2015

Task 2 Crumbs


In this image i tried to experiment with with scale and manipulation to make my cookies appear more larger, i think this is super effective, I really like this photograph and would consider this for one of my final piece.  

Again this is me trying to experiment with different Materials, i thought this would be a good idea to add texture to my photos and to make them more interesting.  

I wanted to get a close up of the cookies and I thought it would be good to try and do something different instead of just leaving them to sit on the side and take some photos. 

Again this is just me trying to include everything in my shoot and trying to make it appear more interesting by balancing the cookies. 

For this image I tried to make it appear like they where rolling out. i lefts some of the crumbs in to make it appear more natural but i have cleaned it up a bit so there wasn't just random crumbs everywhere. 

In this image I tried to experiment with depth of field, by leaving the cookies in focus because they are the main point of my image and the packaging in the background still there but not in focus. 

Overall evaluation of all my images
I had to edit most of these images, just to brighten them up and add more contrast. I had to edit most of my photographs to get rid of the crumbs and stuff, i did keep some in to make it appear more natural.
I personally prefer the the studio images because they are so bright and clear, but my last image is from window light and it looks very similar to studio work, so i can see why food photographer may use window light because it is just as effective.
In a lot of my photos i but a white netted sheet down in the studio to make it appear more natural, it also adds a little more texture depth into my photographs,
My prop that I brought in was a pug mug, its the only thing i really had to being at my house. I was thinking about doing interdependent shoot and using one of my Nans old cookie Tin, Its really old and had all these really nice designs on.
I also tried to experiment with different layouts and set ups to see if this changed the feeling and the message that it put across.

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